英 [skɪf]美[skɪf]
- n. 小艇;小型帆船;轻舟
- The fish did not surface. Instead, it began to tow the skiff to the northwest.
- 但是,那条鱼并没有浮出水面, 反而开始把小船拖着往西北方向跑.
- Huck, I'll take you right to it in a skiff.
- 哈克, 我马上带你划小船过去.
英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
- Recently, a U.S. Navy ship fired on a pirate's skiff after it was attacked.
- 最近, 一艘美国海军舰船受到海盗船的攻击而开火,导致一名海盗死亡.
- A skiff came slowly round the bend , keeping close under the nearer bank.
- 一条小船缓缓地氽来,正靠着四小姐她们这边的河岸.
- " Pedrico is looking after the skiff and the gear.
- “ 佩德里科在看守小船和打鱼的家什.
英汉文学 - 老人与海
- All lights were out when he sailed into the little harbor and beached his skiff.
- 当他划进小港,让小船冲上沙滩时,岸上的灯火都已灭了.
- The skiff was dancing at the stern.
- 小艇直在海浪中摇摆.
- He drank a little water before he lashed the marlin to bow and stern of skiff.
- 他喝了一点水,然后把马林鱼捆绑在小船的头部和尾部.
- Skiff Miller looked puzzled.
- 斯基夫米勒显得惶惑不解.
- Tom Sawyer was in the skiff that bore Judge Thatcher.
- 汤姆-索亚和撒切尔法官同乘一条小艇.
英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
- We have cut them down to a skiff now.
- 我们搞得他们只剩一条小艇了.
- Raw spray whiplashes the skiff, freezing as It'strikes.
- 湿冷的浪花抽打着小船, 随打随冻成冰.
- " He is two feet longer than the skiff. " the old man said.
- “ 它比这小船还长两英尺, ” 老人说.
英汉文学 - 老人与海
- At full throttle, he drives the skiff upward, straight at the plummeting breaker.
- 他开足了油门, 把船向前急驶, 向着那垂直下落的浪头驶去.
- I peeped out through the willow branches, and there it was skiff, away across the water.
- 我隔着柳条向外偷看, 原来那里有一只小船, 漂在水那边远远的地方.
- Each morning he rowed his skiff out into the Gulf Stream where the big fish was.
- 每天早晨他划着小船到有大鱼出没的墨西哥湾流去.
- Skiff Miller was rounding the curve.
- 斯基夫·米勒亚在转弯.
- He settled the sack around his shoulders and put the skiff on her course.
- 他把麻袋在肩头围围好,使小船顺着航线驶去.
英汉文学 - 老人与海
- But he cannot pull this skiff forever, no matter how great he is.
- 然而不管它力气多大,总不能永远拖着这条小船跑吧.
英汉文学 - 老人与海
- May I have the use of your skiff?
- 我可以借用一下您的小艇 吗 ?
- Pedrico is looking after the skiff and gear.
- 彼得利科在守着船和船上的东西.
- He was so big it was like lashing a much bigger skiff alongside.
- 它真大,简直像在船边绑上了另一只大得多的船.
英汉文学 - 老人与海
- A small bird came toward the skiff from the north.
- 一只小鸟从北方朝小船飞来.
英汉文学 - 老人与海
- Recently a U.S. navy Navy ship fired on a pirate's pirate skiff after it was attacked.
- 最近,美国海军舰队在遭遇海盗袭击后向其开火,打死一名海盗.
- Skiff Miller shook his head, no longer belligerent, but kindly.
- 斯基夫·米勒摇了摇头, 但态度已从敌对转为友好.
- They were headed straight for the skiff swimming side by side.
- 它们笔直地并肩朝小船游来.
英汉文学 - 老人与海
- Then he found the sheet and the sail filled and he brought skiff onto her course.
- 然后他摸到了帆脚索,张起帆来,使小船顺着原来的航线走.
- He seemed to hang in the air above the old man in the skiff.
- 它仿佛悬在空中,就在小船中老人的头顶上空.
英汉文学 - 老人与海
- Recently, a U.S. Navy ship fired on a pirate skiff after it was attacked.
- 近日, 一艘美国海军军舰在遭遇海盗船袭击后向其开火.